China Gap is a voluntary certification service, which is implemented on the foundation of Chinese law and regulations. The basic foundation for this certification service is the serial mark GB/T-20014 “good agricultural practice”.
The serial mark GB/T-20014 “good agricultural practice” can be seen as equal to the GLOBALGAP 3.0 mark (including significant changes) and fulfils the comparison and the recognition of the GLOBAL GAP certificate.
The scope of China GAP certificate includes the following product categories:
- Plants (field crops, Fruit and vegetable, tea, coffee, flower)
- Livestock and poultry (pig, poultry, flocks and herds, cow)
- Fishery (Industrial aquaculture, cage culture, pond culture, etc.)
- Bees (honey, propolis, royal jelly)
In January 2006, the China GAP certificate formally came into effect. The China Quality Center (CQC) conducts this certification pilot project, which first had to be approved by the Certification and Accreditation Administration Service of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) and later was recognized by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS).
The process of certification requires Testing, On-site Inspection and Follow-up inspection. CCIC Germany supports you during the whole process and provides an on-going service.